Mislim da svaka devojka sanja da neko napiše pesmu o njoj, ili ako ne to onda da barem postoji pesma sa njenim imenom. Bojim se da pesme koje imaju moje pravo ime u nazivu se isključivo naručuju na svadbama ili se pevaju na stolu, a pošto to mi baš i nije in the spirit of popkitchen, okrenula sam se svom nadimku. Povodom rođendana veoma drage osobe koja je ovaj nadimak i smislila, malo sam napregla male sive ćelije i konsultovala soulseek da bi napravila Jane Songs. Bend koji me uzasno nervira a to su Maroon 5 (jel neko čuo moronskije ime, zvuči kao username za mail, pogotovu sa ovim brojem, jel Maroon je valjda bio zauzet) ima album pod nazivom Songs About Jane, ali nijednu pesmu o njoj.
Neke stvari nisu ni ušle na kompilaciju, recimo Mojave 3 Queen Jane, jer sam zaboravila da ga ubacim u folder, kao ni bizarnosti tipa Jane You Ignorant Slut od opskurnog benda Combat Wounded Veteran.
Belle and Sebastian – Lazy Line Painter Jane
Bob Dylan – Queen Jane Approximately
Bobby Darin – Plain Jane
Cowboy Junkies – Sweet Jane
David Bowie (u potpuno neprepoznatljivom izdanju) – Little Liza Jane
Dock Boggs – Aunt Jane Blues
Dr. John – Little Liza Jane
INXS – Salvation Jane
Jane Birkin and Serge Gainsbourg – Jane B.
Jane’s Addiction – Jane says
Jazzberry Ram – Sleepy Jane
Leadbelly – Little Liza Jane
Mitch Ryder – Baby Jane (Mo Mo Jane)
Nick Drake – Hazy Jane I
Nick Drake – Hazy Jane II
Nina Simone – Little Liza Jane
Oh No! Oh My! – Jane is Fat
PJ Harvey – Me Jane
Rod Stewart – Baby Jane
Sly and the Family Stone – Jane is a Groupee
Sonic Youth and Cypress Hill – I love you Mary Jane
Sufjan Stevens – Inaugural Pop for Jane Margaret Byrne
Swans – Jane Mary Cry One More Tear
The Beatles – What’s the New Mary Jane
The Pagans – Her Name was Jane
The Rolling Stones – Lady Jane
The Velvet Underground – Jack and Jane
The Wrens – Jane Fakes a Hug
Timon – Bitter Thoughts of Little Jane
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers – Last Dance of Mary Jane
this is one...not with my name, unfortunately, rather the pseudonim my boyfriend came up with. As as ardent Liverpool FC fan, he remembered player Jamie McAteer, thus I became Jane McAteer (follow my last.fm link).
Anyways, there are quite a few songs about my real name in Serbia, however those are folk ones, you sing at weddings drunk, while dancing on the table, ordering the band to play it and shoving down money for musicians at their instruments.
But as I said in the post, it is not in the spirit of popkitchen.
Did you see your link here? I expect the number of your Serbian readers to increase rapidly:)
yeah, i've seen it... but thanx anyway, people will realize that i like good music, and that i am one cool serbian chick generally. That is the first step towards the improvement of image of Serbs in the world:)
on the other hand you might get some hard-core belgrade fans.
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